
Charlotte Simms

Charlotte Simms: Career Coach and Certified Business Psychologist


 I’m an accredited

Career Coach

and Certified Business Psychologist

I help working mothers like you to refocus your career, so it doesn’t just fit around the needs of your family but also really works for the ‘you’ you are today. 

I live in Surrey with my husband, three children, cat and dog.  I love to sing but still need to find away to weave that into our busy week.

I’m also a working parent like you. I think I have tried it all; worked full time, worked part time, short days, compressed hours, been a stay at home mum, taken a local job, joined the PTA and joined a Returners Programme.

Finally I worked out that I was trying to progress in a career that worked for my younger, pre-children, self - but not for the person I was today. 

So I re-trained as a Career Coach to do what I love - helping working mums, like you, to reignite their love for their career.



What others say about me….


Why not find out more by booking a

discovery call?


I offer a no obligation 30 minute call, so that you can tell me about your current situation, and I can share with you how I work, and how I can help you.