
Charlotte Simms

Charlotte Simms: Career Coach and Certified Business Psychologist


 I’m an accredited

Career Coach

and Certified Business Psychologist

I help working parents like you to refocus your career, so it doesn’t just fit around the needs of your family but also really works for the ‘you’ you are today. 

I live in Surrey with my husband, three children, cat and dog.  I love to sing but still need to find away to weave that into our busy week.

I have helped many amazing women navigate their careers at all stages of their work-life-family juggle. Many of them have been working mothers from pregnancy through to being parents of teens. A key theme has always been how their careers are interwoven with their partners and how they can be the parents they want to be while having the successful careers they want and deserve.

That’s why I now offer career coaching to couples. You have both become parents, and you share the challenge of juggling work, life, and parenting. Career decisions are no longer “Is this right for me?” They become “Is this right for us?” So doesn’t it make sense to co-create a plan for your shared success?



Why not find out more by booking a

discovery call?


I offer a no obligation 20 minute call, so that you can tell me about your current situation, and I can share with you how I work, and how I can help you.


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