How can I help



Do you have a -plan so you both can


at work and home?

You have both worked hard to progress your careers and you have both become parents,  

As a dual-career family with interdependent careers the question shifts from ‘Is this the right career decision for me?’ to ‘Is this the right career decision for us?’

Often the realities of the work-life-parent juggle creep up slowly and then advance quickly for you both when parental leave comes to an end and you are both working and juggling family.

How will you support each other to be successful in your careers and be the parents you want to be?

So that’s why I offer coaching together – careers are intertwined and its easy to make decisions that seem right for now but without looking at the longer-term implications.  The focus of my Co-Create programme is on each of you individually and as a couple, to reflect on how becoming a parent has changed you, your values and your goals, the tricky questions like who’s career takes priority, how will we parent, who does what at home whilst also making a Plan A and Plan B for the nitty gritty of balancing your careers and your family. 

There isn’t one right way; I offer models and a process so you can be confident you are on the same page and have a plan for your family’s happiness and success.



the question is now

is this the right decision for us?


how we will

work together

There are two options for the Co-Create programme - a fortnightly Online call with other couples facing similar dilemmas or a private session (online or in person) just you, your partner and me so we can really focus on your personal career and life situation.

  • Co- create

    Career Coaching for New Parent Couples

    If you are on Maternity Leave and wondering how you and your partner will manage the work-life juggle when you return to work, this is for you. We will focus on the impact of becoming parents and what you want for the future; individually, as a couple and as a family and make a plan for achieving those goals.

    Giving you the confidence that you and your partner are on the same page; that you have talked through the options and that you have agreed on the practicalities so you BOTH can thrive at work and home.

    How I can help you BOTH as individuals and as a couple:

    Gain clarity on what you want from your careers now and in the future

    To create a shared plan for your inter-dependent careers that gives you both what you want

    To connect and share ideas with other working couples facing similar challenges

    To make a Plan A (and a Plan B) for the next six months that enables you to thrive not just survive working and being parents of young children

     What you get:

    4 fortnightly online group coaching sessions

    Bitesize talking points and examples to discuss with your partner between sessions

    Email/WhatsApp support between sessions


    £395 Group Coaching online

    £895 Private (1 couple) online

Upcoming Co-Create Courses ….



  • Sunday 2nd February @ 8pm

  • Sunday 16th February @ 8pm

  • Sunday 2nd March @ 8pm

  • Sunday 16th March @ 8pm


  • Tuesday 4th March @8pm

  • Tuesday 18th March @8pm

  • Tuesday 1st April @8pm

  • Tuesday 15th April @8pm

To find out more…

It’s important that we feel comfortable working together; which is why I offer a free, no-obligation 30 minute Discovery Call.

This allows you to tell me about your current situation, and what you think you would like to achieve through coaching (although many people aren’t sure, at this stage, and that’s fine!). It also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions about me, how I work, and how I may be able to help. Please don’t worry if your child(ren) are about - I understand the juggle!