How can I help
As we progress
through life
our motivations & priorities can change
The choices that you make when you are in your 20’s are unlikely to be a perfect fit for you when you are in your 30’s, 40’s and beyond.
The trick is being clear on those changing priorities at each stage of your life and making successful career transitions accordingly.
My role as a Career Coach is to support you through the process of making career related decisions and changes that really work for the ‘you’ that you are today.
Your goals for career coaching will be
as unique as you are
but perhaps:
how we will
work together
I am accredited by the Career Counselling Service, so follow their framework and then completely tailor the content to your needs.
I believe that this is your journey, and your career decisions to make. I can’t give you the answers but I do have tools, techniques and lots of questions to help you make real progress and gain clarity.
There will be exercises and thinking to do between sessions so that we can maximise the time we have together.
I offer two programmes:
Four 1:1 sessions of approximately 1.5hours
Follow up session up to six months later to review progress.
Exercises and thinking to complete between sessions
Email/WhatsApp support between sessions
The frequency of sessions will be up to you but typically take place every 1-2 weeks over a 3 month period.
We will talk about your objectives for career coaching in our first session and revisit them regularly to make sure we are on track.
The price for this programme is £910.
(Payment plans available on request.)
At the heart of any career coaching programme is gaining clarity on who you are and what you want from the next stage of your career.
If you want to take that deeper I can offer everything in Programme One PLUS an additional coaching session and an amazing Lumina Learning Spark psychometric report* that helps you really think about who you are; the ‘you’ you present at work, the ‘you’ you are when under pressure, how other people might perceive and interact with you.
It’s a great opportunity to gain deeper insight into what makes you ‘tick’
The price for this programme is £1,105 (Payment plans available on request.)
*You will also receive a Lumina Learning Spark Portrait (RRP £180) that will be an invaluable resource in your career.
To find out more…
It’s important that we feel comfortable working together; which is why I offer a free, no-obligation 30 minute Discovery Call.
This allows you to tell me about your current situation, and what you think you would like to achieve through coaching (although many people aren’t sure, at this stage, and that’s fine!). It also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions about me, how I work, and how I may be able to help.