Career Coaching for Working Mothers

Charlotte Simms

Career Coaching for Working Mothers and Returning Parents

Are you a

working mother



Career Coaching

can help you to find a way through all of these issues and more…..

Coaching doesn’t have to be about massive change; it can be about finding the joy again in the career that you have now, or making small step changes that lead you to a career that you love (again).

Career coaching is time away from the demands of work and family, where YOU get to really focus on YOU. To think and talk about:

  • Where you are now, and where you want to be

  • What motivates you (and what doesn’t)

  • What you really want to achieve and get from your future career

There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Typically, a career coaching programme with me includes one to one coaching sessions, either online or in person, and sometimes personal profiling with Lumina Spark. There will be additional thinking and exercises for you to work in between sessions, and a progress review at a later date.

This is your journey, and your career decisions to make.
I can’t give you the answers, but as a certified Career Coach I am able to use exercises and tools to support and guide you through the process.